The Exchange

The Exchange
A man comes at a time of day he’s never been there before. A time when the light hits it differently, when the humming of the fridge is the only audible sound. A man comes home at a time he’s never come home before and for a moment it seems to him like he has walked into the house of a stranger, empty and silent at a desolate mid-day hour. A man comes home and all of a sudden can see fabulous and forgotten things. Dust particles swirling around in a white ray of light. His wife asleep in their bed, her breath rising and falling under the design magazine that rests on her chest. An old price tag glued to the underside of the table.
A man comes home like a tourist and observes anew those things that make up his life. The parking lot, the stairs, the full mailboxes. A man comes home and walks into his life at a time he’s never been inside it, observing it with the eyes of the child he once was. And, once again, it is filled with mystery and magical hideouts. The corridors, the passageways, the boiler rooms.A man stands by and observes his own life from the outside. But is this life Still truly his own?
Type: Films
Lenght: 90min
Year: 2011
Director: Eran Kolirin
Route 90

Route 90
Route 90 is the lowest highway in the world, the longest road in Israel, the only one to connect it from side to side, border to border. It crawls by the landscapes that once were at the security and ideological forefront and now are the mere back yard, the outskirts. Two appreciated documentarists go on a two-week road trip on Route 90 to meet the people who live on the eastern edge of Israel, The most neglected periphery in the country, to hear their stories and document the feeling of many – the feeling that the country has turned its back on them and somehow lost interest in them.
Type: Documentry
Israeli Academy award
winner for best
Documentary series

We Are Not Alone

We Are Not Alone
Eddie is a lonesome young man who works as a security guard at a big shopping mall. Eddie strongly believes in an old prophecy predicting the very near end of all human civilization.
Just as he is getting ready to embark on a carefully planned escape journey, Eddie meets Mai, a very intelligent yet anti-social young woman, with a dubious past. As the last days before the fateful date go by, May gradually insert herself into Eddie’s life and heart until finally Eddie must choose whether to stay and abandon his hope to escape the upcoming apocalypse, or leave and lose his chance for intimacy and real love.
Type: Films
Lenght: 90 min
Year: 2014
Director: Lior Har Lev
A Beautiful Valley

A Beautiful Valley
Type: Films
Lenght: 84min
Year: 2011
Director: Hadar Friedlich
Zero motivation

ZERO Motivation
Three consecutive stories, The Substitute, The Virgin and The Commander, recount the events of an administration office at a remote army base in the Israeli desert. The stories compose a military epic of power-struggles, intrigues and a friendship on trial.
But unlike the traditional war genre films, Zero Motivation brings to center-stage the military’s female clerical staff. The film depicts the three soldiers’ real – and surreal, comical – and gloomy journey inside the maze of military bureaucracy. For a staple-gun in the first act is sure to go off in the third.
Type: Films
Lenght: 100 min
Year: 2014
Director: Talya Lavie
Partners: HAUT ET COURT, France
Tribeca Film Festival-
Best narrative feature,
Best female director.

Odessa International FF